Revealing a new self

Episode 457

Is it the time of evolution? At least for some artists it seems to be. They slough their skin and appear in new garb, adding new and fascinating aspects and style elements to their music. Hence, you will hear cool and new music tonight, which might need some time to recognized the artist behind. And this is one of the reasons why I love this electronic music genre, it's so awesomely diverse, it never stands still in time, and still remains timeless when listening to tracks from earlier in history. You will geet all of this with the tracks by Stefan Erbe (Reflect), Progeny -1 (Ellipse), moonbooter (Groundcontrol), Pan Electric (Step Out), Rudolf Heimann (Trancefusion), Chris Gate (The Sound of Syndae).

Being above the crazyness

Episode 456

So I sat on my couch looking outside, where the moon lit the neighbourhood, standing bright and full at the sky. This seems the best time to actually watch the stars above, with a clear sky and only a few lights soiling it. Great not to live in a big city, where even at night the air is glimmering of street and car lights. Might be even better futher in the fields. Do you like watching the stars? Thinking about it, they make one feel really small, tiny even. There is such a vast space out there, and we on earth are such an unimportant atomic piece to the universe. And being on this tiny little planet, people have nothing better to do than to fight each other for even less important things. With his edtion, let's take a little breath and rest from all this madness. Ambient is calling with tracks by HuuHaa (Frostient), Madhavi Devi (The Truth of Being), Jarguna and Friends (Trapped Vol. 2), Casimir Corona (An Occurrence in the Inverse Universe), and Fiona Joy Hawkins (Piano Peace).

Highlights in a row

Episode 455

Back from the voiceless here comes a reminder and announcer edition. There are quite some nice events coming up, like B-Wave in Belgium, which I mentioned last week. Another event I nearly overlooked is Electronic Music 3, which is up on November 24th, three weeks from now. Of course, Sound of Sky happens tomorrow parallel to Zeit with Schmoelling and Waters in Oirschot. Boy, busy weeks. And then there are new releases up, like Equinoxe Infinity by Jean-Michel Jarre, due 16th of November, and Andy Pickford's Objects & Expressions I. And that's where you will get tracks from tonight, starting with Michael Stearns ft. L. Subrarmaniam (Baraka), followed by Jean-Michel Jarre (Equinoxe Infinity) and Andy Pickford (Objects & Expressions I), and completing the show with Otarion (Under Surface) and Wellenfeld (Ten).

Gorgeous sounds

Episode 454

Having a cold isn't really too bad. But the downsize for me: it stole my voice. Well, instead of dropping this weeks edition, I employed a guest host for you. So you will meet George. Not a real person though, but a computer generated speaker. I remember back in the days, when computer voices sounded really bad, somewhat worse than mine at the moment. But nowadays, high-end generators can do wonders. Not that I could employ one. But free speakers are quite good today as well. And George was free, so thank you, George, for taking over for tonight. Not the longest speaking time though, as we only have three tracks on the show tonight, which are by Pollard, Daniel, Booth (Eight), Wolfgang Nachahmer (Eiszeit), and Kellerkind Berlin (Spinning Around Bits and Bytes).

Delicacies with bite

Episode 453

After the festival is before the festival? Well, there are a bunch of concerts coming up, like BKS in Bad Sulza next weekend and Sound of Sky as well as Johannes Schmoelling the weekend after. But the next bigger station is on December 1st with the B-Wave festival. Where I also will be and have a combined stall with erbemusic. Well, time to give you some teasers for the event in form of tracks by Erik Wøllo (Threshold Point) and Pyramaxx (Distance) tonight. But, of course, there is more fresh music on this edtion. Fantastic music to be heard by Progeny -1 (Ancient Artisans), David Wright (Stranger Days), and Colisseum (Adventus).

Getting right to the core

Episode 452

What an exciting time. Tomorrow is the third event to visit and present the Sound of Syndae CD. I've been to Oirschot before, several times, but it was never like this. And more than that there will be really cool acts on stage the whole day. I really hope to meet quite a lot of you guys to talk music. Ron Boots is doing a great job there over the past 20 or so years, with E-Live and E-Day being a beacon of the EM world. But let's check on tonight's edition of syndae, which will present some amazing music as well. And brand new stuff as well that just reached my hands. It's kind of action packed but far from technoid. Just get the volume right and have a joyful listen to Time Away & Myth (Dreaming of Other Worlds), Weldroid (End of Mission), Parallel Worlds & Dave Bessell (Dystopia), Aevin (The Aftermath), Red Plane (Mask), and Audio Cephlon (Oumuamua).

Here be robots

Episode 451

So after the Electronic Circus, with all their stunning acts live on stage, I finally am back. Well, yes, I tuned out for some days vacating in beautiful Italy for a change. Mille grazie, Italia. It was great to have a short break, after finishing the CD and doing the Circus. Next up is E-Live in Oirschot, which already is next week on October 20th. Still time to book your trip and get tickets for the event. And therefore I have some news, too. First, P'Faun will bring their new album, live to stage and physical at Groove. And as a teaser a track on this edition of syndae. Several new releases have been announced to appear on the day of E-Live. One of them is the new album by Syndromeda, another by E-Tiefengrund, and there will be more. So while waiting for the big festival coming up, enjoy listening to P'Faun (Golden Peacock), Syndromeda (Eternal Destination), amd Picnicboy (Echoes).

Prepare for live

Episode 450

There are several ways to support electronic music in life. Of course, you should always go and buy the music you like on CD or as digital release, if you like listening to it. Most artists I have on my shows do not and cannot live from their music, but it would be tragic if they would stop publishing their highly inspiring music. Another way is to visit events where you can meet them and listen to them live. Yes, these are smaller events of a few hundered people at most. But this makes them even more special and worth visiting. Because they are smaller, it is crucial to let their organizers know you are comeing, best by purchasing a ticket in due time. To water your mouth for the upcoming E-Live, on this show you will get fantastic music by Wavestar II (Nightwinds), Baltes & Erbe (Electric Garden), P.Faun (sp'roque). And moreover I have a track of an all time master, Jean-Michel Jarre (Planet Jarre).

Teeny weeny lucky stars

Episode 449

It was a great evening in Hagen last week, where I had the opportunity to present my syndae anniversary album The Sound of Syndae. I admit, it was a small event, but it was a very fine event. And, of course, Stefan Erbe gave an extraordinary concert in that cosy room, with an enthusiastic audience. I know, I know, it was mainly about the concert and just a tiny bit about my CD. A microscopically small step for mankind, but a giant leap for me. He he. Well, next event in line is the Electronic Circus, which I mentioned last week already. But I have more musical treats of that event for you tonight by Thorsten Quaeschning (Cargo) and Harald Grosskopf (Synthesist Reloaded). Moreover, there is new and noteworthy music on this show by Dr. Lum (Ethnostep 8), Uwe Reckzeh (Surreal Dreams), Biodiode (Mars Chronicles), Klangzaun.